Friday, January 1, 2010


The dictionary defines jealousy as the state of being jealous. Feeling jealous has a few derogatory meanings: Being jealous means wanting to keep what one has possessively, it also means feeling unhappy at someone else's success. Another word often used for the last meaning is "envious". Of the two words "envious" means wishing one has something that another has, and "jealous" means something more unpleasant - actually hating the person who has received good fortune. There are a couple of good uses of the world, but these are not so commonly used nowadays. we can sat that a person guards his home or his honour jealousy. But usually, the word "jealous" brings to mind negative ad undesirable qualities.

The feeling of jealousy is one of the most dangerous that a person can feel towards another. A person who are jealous almost immediately loses the ability to rationalize.

If a man feels jealous about another's achievements, chances are he spends a lot of tome feeling angry at that person, for something that he has probably gained through his own hard work. Sometimes this anger can lead to violence. Violence usually takes place when when all reasoning ends. We read of violent crimes committed by men in love, when the woman if his affection loves someone else. Immediately the loser thinks he is a victim and acts as if he has been cheated. He cannot see that all that has happened is that the women has chosen according to her own inclinations.

If the man had truly loved her, then jealousy has no place in his mind. He should think of her happiness. Though the illustration mentions only male jealousy, female jealousy has been known to be just as vicious.

On another meaning of jealousy, some people are apt to be jealous if someone they love, or are just fond of, pay attention to someone else. This is common even in ordinary friendships. A poorly-adjusted individual may want a certain friend to keep only his company. So if he sees the person when he believes he "owns" talking to someone else, he flies into a rage. This kind of behavior shows extreme immaturity.

The truth is that no one owns anyone. Even in love relationships, there should be no jealousy involved, and no attempt to possess a person as of he or she were an object. Love relationships should be founded on mutual trust and jealousy has no place in it.

Jealousy at another's good fortune is the most harmful of all. Elders and scriptures, have been telling us that if one is jealous of another, and wishes him evil, the effect of the jealousy will be felt by oneself. This may sound like a tall tale, but now there is scientific evidence of its truth. Research shows that when we wish evil on someone - like wishing him to contract an incurable disease, our thoughts have no power to harm the person we feel jealous about. What happen is that our mind interprets the thought as meaning that is "OK" for such a situation to happen - in this case to suffer from an incurable disease.

Since it has no power to cause someone else to be sick, it attracts the illness to the person who has the thought.

Whatever form jealousy takes it certainly a very dangerous feeling - for the person who feels it as well as for the others.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


I love caroling..
i went for 1 night only.. T.T
i was busy with my work (help mumi)... abit sad..

i brought my camera because i wanted to take the pictures of christmas tree..
but sad.. there is only 1 house has it..

that's the only christmas tree..^-^

all my pic..
ya ya!!
i'm vain aka zi lian aka perasan!! lol


the wind blew my hair till like that. =.=!

i LOVE this.. looks like winter season!

closer look?

my hair.. =.= (zhong fen)

i like my lips colour!!


my head??

muah muah.. i wanna i wanna i wanna kiss him.. lol

i took some pic with Bernice too..
my buddy in church!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


有一个小女孩的名字叫露西,她的家里很穷,所以露西的玩具只有一个,就是一个小熊玩 偶。
从垃圾场捡来的 to 1
妈妈帮她做的 to 2

1 有一天,露西的爸爸回家来,高兴地对家人说 :* 我赚到一笔大钱了 !* 你认
为露西的爸爸导师是怎样得到这笔钱的呢 ?
买公益奖券中了大奖 to 3
他所发明的东西大卖 to 4

2 有一天 , 露西的爸爸回家来,高兴地对家人说 :* 我赚到一笔大钱了 !* 你认为
这笔钱的金额大约会是多少 ?
可以一辈子不工作,到处游山玩水 to 4
可以 5 年不工作 to 5

3 结果露西变成了有钱人家的小姐,她的爸爸妈妈买了许多玩具给她。你想他
会最喜欢下面那一个玩具呢 ?
法国洋娃娃 to 6
家家酒蜗纷 ?to 7

4 露西变成了有钱人家的小姐,爸爸妈妈买了许多玩具给她。站在一堆新玩具
前, 露西喃喃自语说了哪句话 ?
应该先玩那个呢 ? to 6
真不敢相信,好象在做梦 to 8

5 露西变成了有钱人家的小姐,爸爸妈妈买了很多玩具给她 , 不过其实她还有
一个愿望。你想会是下面那一个呢 ?
想买新衣服 to 7
全家一起到高级餐厅用餐 to 8

6 有一天晚上,当露西正在漂亮的新家睡得香甜的时候 , 被放在房里角落的熊
宝宝突然站了起来,慢慢走向露西 .. 你觉得当时熊宝宝脸上的表情会是如何的呢
笑的很悲伤 to 9
哭泣着 to 10

7 有一天晚上 , 当露西正在漂亮的新家睡得香甜的时候 , 被放在房里角落的熊宝宝
突然站了起来,慢慢走向露西 . 突然它摸了露西一下。你觉得它会摸哪个部位呢 ?
脸颊 to 9
肩膀 to 11

8 有一天晚上 , 当露西正在漂亮的新家睡得香甜的时候 , 被放在房里角落的熊宝
宝突然站了起来,慢慢走向露西。熊宝宝对着露西说了一句话,它说了什么话 ?
太好了,露西 to 10
太过分了,露西 to 11

9 当露西醒来时,熊宝宝已经不在了。之后你想露西会怎么做 ?
她并没发现 , 所以什么也没做 A
赶紧跑出去找熊宝宝 B

10 当露西醒来时,熊宝宝已经不在了。你认为熊宝宝的真正身份是什么?
能为主人带来好运的魔法熊宝宝 C
天使化身的熊宝宝 D

11 当露西醒来时,熊宝宝已经不在了。露西的家会变成什么样子呢?
依旧很有钱,但家人关系变的很坏,经常吵架 E
又恢复到原来的破小屋 F


A 出轨是家常便饭
本性喜欢冒险,所以才会喜欢这 4'da 房里角落种刺激的感觉

B 你很容易被诱惑
去 . 不过,你会觉得有罪恶感,所以不会主动去勾引别人。你的理由就是 * 不好意
思拒绝他 *

C 你没勇气这么做
太胆小没有勇气这么做,只好将强烈的欲望压抑下来,所以老是听到你在说: * 我才
会花心呢! * 其实你还是有点心不甘情不愿的

D 错将友情当爱情
情人 的罪名,所以不会这么做。但是你很容易错将友情当爱情,容易因关心而发展

E 怕麻烦所以不会花心

F 只对自己的情人感兴趣

i got C. it's really "zhun"


Dear wang litte sister:
From see you one eye, I shit love you.
Your eyes close, I die; your eyes open, I come back to live.
Your eyes close and open again and again,I die again and again.
Maybe you do not remember me, no matter.
When you carefully look at me, you will one see clock.
I think l should introduce myself to you.
I call Li big great. Toyear 25
My home have four mouth people-papa, mama, I and DD.
I am a good man, in a big company work.
I do early fuck every day, so that I can have strong body to protect you.
Please come to eat and sleep with me, or I will cut my hair to be a monk,
and find a place where many monks live in to over my life;

Like Your people


我叫李大偉, 今年 25 (今天是today,那麼今年就是toyear。至於偉就翻成great吧!)
我家有四口人 .. 爸爸、媽媽、我和弟弟。
請嫁給我吧 , 否則我將削髮為僧 , 找個廟來了此一生。
( 實在想不起「嫁」字怎麼翻譯,好在頭腦靈光 , 嫁過來不就是和我吃住在一起。至於「廟」字 , 也不會翻譯,不過很多和尚住在一起的地方,就是廟。 )


*原來做早操的英文是 make early fuck ……

The Devil's Tool Sale

It was advertised that the devil was going to put his tools up for sale. On the date of the sale, the tools were placed for public inspection; each tool being marked with its sale price.
They were a treacherous lot of implements ...

Hatred, Envy, Jealousy,
Deceit, Lying, Pride,
And so on....

Laid apart from the rest was a harmless looking tool, it was well worn and priced very high. "What is the name of this tool?" asked one of the shoppers, pointing to it.

"That is


replied the devil.

"Why have you priced it so high?"

"Because it is more useful to me than the others.? I can pry open and get inside a man's heart with that, when I cannot get near him with my other tools. Once I get inside, I can make him do what I choose. It is badly worn because I use it on almost everyone, since very few people know that it belongs to me."

We are always out looking for a bargain, shopping all the sales that come along. Enticed into buying little needed or not needed items, because of the lower price. One point we should always remember.

Just because we can buy it..
Does not mean we should buy it.

The Lord tells us not to be Discouraged:

He gives strength to the weary,
And to him who lacks might He increases power.

Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
Yet those who wait for the Lord
Will gain new strength;

They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.

Isaiah 40: 29 -31

Friday, December 4, 2009


"LOVELY WEATHER FOR DUCKS" means rainy weather~
haha.. i'm having this weather~
lovely weather for Shirly??

i knew that!!

the thing that I've been expecting happened, happened, HAPPENED!!!

I was very angry, angry, ANGRY!!!
and jealous, jealous, JEALOUS!!

i wan to cry, cry, CRY!!!